Senior day! For many people of a certain age, this phrase means a day doing something fun. After all, when you're a senior in high school, you are the king or queen of your domain.

At Tri-Valley High School, Tuesday April 10, 2018 was senior day. The rest of the school was taking those all-important tests and the seniors were allowed to skip. Their chioces were: take a college visit, job shadow someone, or do some communnity service by volunteering at Midwest Food Bank.

So what did the kings and queens choose? Over half of the class decided to bless those in need by volunteering. This was a larger group than MFB notmally handles, but extra volunteer leaders were on hand to make it all go smoothly.

And the kids? They worked hard and cheerfully, repackaging dry food and labeling cans. Teachers Josh Roop and Jamie Ward were interviewed separately, but had the same comment: "They're a great group of kids!"

Check out the photos and this video to see tomorrow's leaders in action.