Staff and leadership at East Hartford Public Schools do what it takes to ensure students are ready for the classroom. That means identifying students that may be food insecure because a hungry child isn't an attentive learner.

"We want to support the whole child and address the needs to keep the students in the classroom," says Alexis Safo-Agyeman, Family and Community Partnership Coordinator for the school system.

So, Alexis approached school district leadership about a partnership with Midwest Food Bank, New England.
"I knew there was a need, but I never knew what would transpire," says Alexis. "We recognize what a blessing this supplemental resource has been for the families - truly a beautiful gift of kindness."

East Hartford Public Schools receives the food they distribute to families, free of charge, from MFB New England.

"We are privileged to partner with the wonderful East Hartford Public Schools team," says Jan Young, Executive Director of MFB New England. "Their dedication to student well-being is inspiring."
Recently the school district was able to provide food for 72 families. During the school year, staff members have stepped up to pick up food from MFB and then get it to the families. They are looking for volunteers to help during the summer months.

Maria Lety Bell is the bilingual family support specialist for the school district, and she says families often arrive from outside the area or even outside the United States. These families have varied needs, such as language support, transportation, and food. The food they receive is a welcome support.

"I hope Midwest Food Bank continues to be blessed in every sense of the word," says Alexis. "This beautiful work is met with the most amazing impact."