Friday, June 16, 2017, was a beautiful day – blue skies and a gentle breeze. The LORD blessed our second annual Golf Outing with excellent weather.

Golfers began arriving at 11 am to register. Golfers savored a lunch furnished by Chick-fil-A. After a brief message and a prayer, they were off. The Den at Fox Creek was the perfect course for enjoying a great round of golf, while raising funds for those in need.

As the foursomes returned, they checked their raffle tickets for prizes. Then it was time for a delicious Biaggi's dinner.

Thanks to the many golfers who participated. Thank you to volunteers Tudy Schmied, Lorraine Wilmert, and Bob Adcock for their efforts to arrange sponsors and prizes. Thanks to Neal Beer for co-chairing the event. And thanks to the LORD for blessing the day!

Far a look at the photos, click here. To see the video, click here.