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Arizona Tax Credit

Make an impact in your community by taking advantage of the Arizona Tax Credit!

AZ Tax Credit Fund sealArizona is one of the few states that allows a full tax credit for contributions to qualified charitable organizations. If you have a state tax liability, you can donate up to $938 for married filing jointly or $470 for a single filer, and the state will credit your state tax liability dollar for dollar. You can even make your donation up until tax filing day but still take the credit for the previous year! 

Your $938 donation has a significant impact!

Your gift multiplies   soup kitchen small

It can pay for 7,800+ nutritious meals. It can give 13 food-insecure students supplemental weekend food for one full school year.

Step 1Child eating LO RES

Donate to Midwest Food Bank to support people in need (form below). 

Step 2

File your taxes and claim the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

Step 3

Receive your tax credit (up to $938) and celebrate doing good!

Instead of sending your taxes to the State of Arizona, you can direct these tax dollars through Midwest Food Bank. You don’t need to itemize to take advantage of this rare opportunity. (For your tax return, you will need MFB Arizona's Qualifying Charitable Organization Code - 20927.)


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