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Are you interested in the goings-on at Midwest Food Bank? You can receive two types of newsletters filled with pictures and information. Choose one or both to stay on top of the latest news from MFB.

 eNewsletterMorton for web

The MFB eNewsletter arrives in your email inbox every other month. Look for it the first week of February, April, June, August, October, and December. We send an individual eNewsletter for each MFB location. It will have content specifically from that location, as well as general MFB news affecting all divisions. You may select one location or any number of divisions you are interested in. There will be spotlights about food recipients, agency partners, volunteers, or employees. It might have stories on improvement projects, grants, or upcoming events. Read a quick headline or click-through for a more in-depth account.

Around the Table MAY 2022 webPrint Newsletter

MFB produces a Print Newsletter twice a year. We mail it to your home or business In the first week of May and November. Each edition has a cover story with photos and an in-depth look at an MFB subject. You'll also find an agency partner and volunteer spotlight. There is a brief update from each MFB location. You read it at your leisure and share it with family and friends.

Whatever method or combination you choose, you'll learn more about the people we serve, and the agencies, volunteers, and employees who live out the MFB mission.

If you would like to receive print or electronic Newsletters, please follow the steps below. 


BBM web link