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1 minute reading time (175 words)

Ashes to glory

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."  -I Corinthians 4:17

In a catastrophic turn of events, Raber Packing Company of Peoria burned to the ground in November 2018. The owners have taken this momentary trouble and produced an eternal glory, by turning it into an opportunity to serve.

Raber employees have been encouraged to volunteer at non-profit organizations until they can go back to work. Midwest Food Bank Peoria is blessed to have a group of hard-working Raber volunteers. They have been coming regularly to help with daily food packing, and loading carts and vehicles during food distribution and our renovation. 

Since the beginning of 2019, 14 Raber employees have volunteered over 450 work hours. While most are here for our distribution week, about 5 Raber volunteers come in regularly.

At MFB, we are thankful for all of our volunteers and the gifts they bring. We want to take this opportunity to thank the Raber Packing Company for encouraging their employees to serve others during this difficult time.

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