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It's a Win-Win

Midwest Food Bank has a mutually beneficial relationship with so many of our volunteers. They often tell us how good they feel when volunteering. And of course, MFB gets the benefit of the volunteers' help in so many ways. With the help of volunteers, MFB is able to use over 99¢ for every dollar donated on those in need. Two groups have been of particular help to MFB lately - VTAP and SOAR. 

VTAP (Vocational Training Assistant Program) supports the integration of students into community activities. Students are placed at various training sites with a job coach to develop basic job skills. 

Currently, four different VTAP students are working at MFB. They are tasked with cleaning our facility. The place looks amazing and we are blessed by their work.

SOAR (Special Opportunities Available in Recreation) is a community recreation program serving individuals unable to participate in traditional recreation programs. They have been bringing a group to MFB regularly to participate in service projects. 

The group comes with leaders trained in the service projects done at MFB. Often the group labels cans or repackage food for use in our distributions. Lately, they have been helping with disaster relief box packing. 

MIdwest Food Bank appreciates all of our amazing volunteers. To find out how you can volunteer, contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Debi Petrillo at 309-663-5350 or

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