The work of Midwest Food Bank (MFB) is not new to Aimee Beam. For the last decade, she has worked with the people who receive food from MFB, most recently serving on the Executive Leadership team of The Baby Fold, a large nonprofit in Normal, IL. Aimee is the new Executive Director of MFB Bloomington-Normal, IL. She is replacing former Executi...
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After a varied career, including sales, publishing, logistics, and the mortgage industry, Steven Bishop has followed a calling from God into coaching and youth ministry. Now he is adding another meaningful career to his life. Steven is the new part-time Volunteer Coordinator at MFB Bloomington-Normal. Steven grew up in Bloomington and Nor...
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"Loyal loaders" are the people that show up regularly at Midwest Food Bank Bloomington/Normal during food distribution weeks. It's that loyalty that really makes the process smooth. Currently, MFB needs volunteers that can commit each month to become one of those "loyal loaders."What does that mean?Typically, distribution week is the first ful...
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