What happens when you connect the resources of Midwest Food Bank and a corporate donation? 968 food boxes get delivered every week to people that live below the poverty line.For several years MFB Peoria has delivered food to Harlan, Kentucky, where 43 percent of the population has an income below the poverty line. A semi of food is loaded at the wa...
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At work and at church LaDonna Orr was encouraged to serve and volunteer. She first volunteered with a group from work several years ago, and then a recent message at church about service re-enforced that idea."LaDonna is an amazing ambassador for Midwest Food Bank Peoria," says Dominica Rogers, Community Relations and Volunteer Manager.LaDonna reti...
2177 Hits
MFB began a partnership with Amazon as a food donor in 2020. Since then, Amazon has provided loads of product across the MFB footprint and is a valued food donor for the organization. Some divisions have picked up Amazon Fresh regular loads - a tremendous source of nutritious and fresh food. That partnership continues to grow and expand in exciting...
4396 Hits