At Midwest Food Bank New England, the volunteer culture revolves around essential qualities like selflessness, humility, kindness, and a spirit of service. Among the dedicated volunteers, Rick and Ann Mahoney not only align with this culture but also bring it to life.Volunteering is a way of life for Rick and Ann, instilled from a young age by thei...
MFB Normal has implemented a new inventory system, paving the way for MFB's other locations. The system, Primarius, includes scanning bar codes on pallets, which is quite different from the 20 years of using Excel spreadsheets. An implementation team has been meeting weekly for 18 months to prepare for the launch. The switch took a great deal of pl...
Kenny and Suzie Pilon say they wanted to stay active in their retirement. Like many retirees, they planned to spend time with their family and travel. Fortunately for Midwest Food Bank, the couple also includes volunteering as part of their active lifestyle. "They are both serving in roles where we always need more volunteers," says Carrie Do...
Each year hundreds of volunteers walk through the doors of Midwest Food Bank Bloomington-Normal and give thousands of hours of their time. While it's traditional for organizations like ours to name a "Volunteer of the Year," we aren't able to select just one volunteer in our amazing group of 9,000. Recently, MFB recognized the efforts of four volun...