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Crocodile Meat Project

CROCODILE MEAT PROJECT Revised Timetable The crocodile farm providing the crocodile carcasses for our meat processing plant has decided to delay first slaughter until early 2016 to give their stock time to grow to optimum skinning size for their leather goods business. Tragic loss While we're disappointed, the delay actually gives us time to re-gro...

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  2539 Hits

Spring 2017 Kapu Africa Newsletter

DONATE NOW Dear Family, Friends and Faithful Supporters, It has been nearly a year since our last newsletter, and we apologize. A lot has happened. East Africa Drought Much of East Africa has been gripped by a severe drought since early to mid-2016. Some farming regions have had no rain since February 2016. As a result, the normally steady supply o...

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  1967 Hits

Bloomington Volunteers of the Year

Congratulations to the Bloomington Volunteers of the Year Janice Wheatley, Parker Lawlis, and Roy Hanks have gone above and beyond in the donation of time and talents in their support of Midwest Food Bank. Janice works every day during loadout and also is an active Lead Volunteer working with the many groups that label and repackage food and build ...

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  1950 Hits

Midwest Food Bank Assists Victims of Storm in Washington, IL

Midwest Food Bank has delivered one truck load of food and drink to Washington, IL and is standing by for further requests. "After being in Washington yesterday and seeing the devastation, I knew MFB should be there. Thankfully, MFB Peoria was already loading a truck to send to Washington. Right now we want to give The Salvation Army and Red Cross ...

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  1870 Hits


Bloomington-based Midwest Food Bank is assisting people whose homes have been damaged because of recent flooding in South Carolina. Midwest Food Bank has been asked by The Salvation Army to provide water and family food boxes for people affected by the flooding. The first semitrailer load of 800 boxes left Bloomington Thursday for Ridgeland, S.C., ...

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  1932 Hits


Bloomington-based Midwest Food Bank is assisting people whose homes have been damaged because of recent tornadoes in Texas. Midwest Food Bank has been asked by The Salvation Army to provide bottled drinks and family food boxes for people affected by the tornadoes. The first semitrailer load of 800 boxes will leave the Peoria warehouse Saturday for ...

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  1903 Hits

Bloomington division growth by the numbers

2015 was a year of growth at Bloomington. Food donations reached 23 million pounds, a 1.5 million pound increase over 2014. This increase helped us serve more of those in need. 47,000 more cases of food (or 26 semi loads) were delivered in 2015 than in the previous year. New distribution offices in Fairfield and Morton enabled us to increase the nu...

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  1846 Hits

Give Thanks 2015

Blustery weather didn't stop over 100 volunteers from helping families have a Thanksgiving meal. Midwest Food Bank partnered with Home Sweet Home to provide meals to over 1,875 local families in Give Thanks 2015. Complete thanksgiving meals (turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie, etc.) were boxed and distributed to low-income families a few da...

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  2140 Hits

Helping provide clean water for Flint, MI

 We are doing what we can to help the residents of Flint, MI, deal with a water crisis. A full semi load of water left Bloomington Monday, January 25. Included were individual bottles, gallon and 2½ gallon containers of water. The water was delivered to Indianapolis, IN, where TV station Fox 59 is coordinating a water drive. MFB is providing t...

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  1960 Hits

May a record month for volunteers

April showers bring May … volunteers! Midwest Food Bank Bloomington was showered with blessings in May. Our warehouse was filled to overflowing with food donations, causing a need for extra volunteers. We put out a call on Facebook and through email. And boy, did we get an answer! A record 762 volunteers donated their time at MFB in May! This produ...

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  1925 Hits

State Farm is now matching gifts

On July 1, State Farm began a Matching Gift Program for non-profit organizations. Employees, agents and retirees can request matches up to $1,500 in a calendar year. Contributions must be a minimum of $25 to be eligible for a match. For 2016, matches can be made retroactively from January 1, 2016. For more information, there is a link on the State ...

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  4309 Hits

MFB sends aid to West Virginia

On Thursday, June 23, in West Virginia, 9 inches of rain fell in 6 to 8 hours, resulting in devastating floods. 26 people were killed, and over 1,200 homes were damaged or destroyed. Midwest Food Bank, a Salvation Army First Responder, was called on to provide aid. 5 semi loads of disaster relief boxes and bottled water have been sent from MFB's Bl...

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  2042 Hits

New division of MFB opening in Phoenix, AZ

Midwest Food Bank is expanding to the southwest with plans to open a food bank in the Phoenix area. A 25,800-square-foot building has been purchased in Gilbert, Ariz., said David Kieser, food bank president and CEO. MFB has considered expansion into Arizona for several years. The Phoenix area location is MFB's eighth site. It should begin providing...

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  2511 Hits

Reactions to fresh produce

It has been six weeks since Midwest Food Bank began getting loads of fresh produce donated by Walmart. We began doing Tuesday and Thursday produce distributions during the weeks we are not doing regular distribution. We'd like to share some of the many positive comments from the agencies we serve: "It was well received. Our families can't always af...

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  1889 Hits

Bloomington Division relocating

 Bloomington-based Midwest Food Bank plans to relocate its office and distribution center at 1703 S Veterans Parkway, Bloomington to 2031 Warehouse Drive, Normal. The new location formerly housed the Bloomington-Normal Seating Company. "The last five years has seen an increase of over 130% in the value of food distributed from Midwest Food Ban...

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  1787 Hits

Community steps up

The 7th annual "Give Thanks event is over and done, but the love of the donors and volunteers lingers on in the homes of those who received to food. Nearly 2,300 turkeys and boxes of "fixins" were distributed to families over the course of the two-day event, hosted by Midwest Food Bank and Home Sweet Home Ministries. More than 11,000 individuals we...

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  1809 Hits

State Farm video features MFB volunteer

In an effort to promote volunteerism within their own employees, State Farm created a video focusing on MFB volunteer Jeni Hanson and the work she does here. We are pleased that Jeni and MFB were chosen for this undertaking, and the results are great! To see the amazing video and story with photos, click here.  

  2057 Hits

2016 Volunteers of the Year

Midwest Food Bank Bloomington is happy to announce the recipients of our "2016 Volunteer of the Year Award." The honor goes to Chris Stoffer and Steve Nolan. Volunteers who receive this recognition are selected by MFB management. They meet all of the requirements and responsibilities of being an MFB volunteer and go beyond by seeking other ways to ...

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  2066 Hits

Giving a cup of water

 "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Matthew 10:42 Midwest Food Bank had an opportunity to give a "cup of cold water" to neighbors in our own community. Late on March 9, a water main broke in Normal, pro...

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  1954 Hits

MFB hires a Chief Financial Officer

Please join us in welcoming Eric Hodel to the Midwest Food Bank team. He has been hired for the new position of Chief Financial Officer. Eric has a BS in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Illinois and has held multiple positions within Caterpillar, most recently as the TTT Product Manager for North America. During Eric's tenure at Cat...

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  2997 Hits
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