By Super User on Thursday, 03 May 2018
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Prepared for the job

When our current facility was purchased and renovated, two generous donors approached us with a unique vision - an area for volunteering, meeting, recreation and eating. The end result is the community center, an interconnected kitchen/dining space, conference room, service project space and two basketball/volleyball courts. Groups can meet, work on a volunteer project, shoot some hoops and enjoy a pizza. It's a way Midwest Food Bank can give back to a community who has given so much support over the years.

And who better to oversee the space than someone with a long and varied career in education and ministry? Enter Mark Csanda, the Community Center Administrator, a new position at MFB Bloomington-Normal. Mark's job is to interact with volunteers and staff and facilitate the use of the facility while sharing MFB's mission and vision.

Mark's career began with a degree in Education from the University of Illinois. He then taught "all around McLean County," elementary, junior and senior high schools, and did some basketball coaching. After a stretch in Ohio and an Assistant Principal and Principal, Mark returned to Central Illinois to continue his school administrative career. Then came a shift in gears, and he began serving as a youth pastor and music minister, rejuvenating his walk with the Lord. After 10 years, he was able to call on his work history in a position as principal at St. Mary's School in Bloomington.

About 12 years ago, Mark met David Kieser, founder of Midwest Food Bank, when he volunteered with his youth group. They maintained an acquaintance over the years, and when the community center was built, David tapped Mark to be on the advisory committee. When it was time to employ someone to manage the center, Mark was a natural fit. In Mark's words, "The Lord has prepared me for this job."

Mark favorite part about this position is how it melds his passion for ministry with his passion for the youth of McLean County. He continues to look for ways to engage people in Midwest Food Bank's ministry, while offering the benefit of the community center.

Mark lives at Lake Bloomington with his wife, Carol, a retired State Farm director. He has a daughter, Abigail, and a son, Hayden. He recently welcomed Beatrix Rose, his first grandchild, to the family. In his spare time he enjoys boating, fishing, tennis, golf and bicycling. The thing that brings him the most joy is continued music ministry playing acoustic guitar in his band, ReZound.

Midwest Food Bank is fortunate to have Mark's passion and experience in the community center. You can reach him at 309-663-5350, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..