By Super User on Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Lynch Serves Breakfast

Lynch Aluminum Mfg. Co. is not just a neighbor in the warehouse district of North Peoria but serving friends to Midwest Food Bank – Peoria. In January 2016, we sent out a plea for trucking help and Lynch Aluminum graciously provided volunteer drivers and trailers. (Read newsletter article here)

Since then, their owners and employees have worked side by side helping us with many projects in our warehouse.

Plenty of laughter and breakfast jokes flowed as the Lynch crew tackled ginormous totes breakfast cereal that needed to be re-bagged and boxed donations into bags that our agencies could manage. During their visit, here was plenty of laughter and joy but they tackled the task with organized efficiency and filled 4 totes. Thank you, Lynch Aluminum for your much-needed help and support!

Local businesses have been instrumental in supporting Midwest Food Bank-Peoria as we serve central & Western Illinois counties. We welcome businesses or offices to partner with us in many ways. Contact us if your business or office group wants to help.