By Phil Hodel on Wednesday, 02 February 2022
Category: Midwest Food Bank

MFB Morton is a hub for the organization

The operations of Midwest Food Bank Morton are different than other MFB divisions as it serves as the packaging and logistics warehouse for all of Midwest Food Bank. By being the hub for coordinating and managing certain operations, MFB Morton creates efficiencies for the entire organization.

An example of this synergy is the MFB Tender Mercies program. In 2012, MFB Morton became the packaging and logistics hub for all of MFB. All aspects of the program, from purchasing raw ingredients, to production and sales are managed at MFB Morton. This allows the other divisions to focus their energies on two feeding programs of the MFB mission: Food for Nonprofits and Hope Packs.

Last fall, MFB Morton became the Disaster Relief hub for the organization. MFB's Disaster Relief program responds to a wide variety of catastrophic natural disasters, from tornadoes and hurricanes to flooding and wildfires. Now, products for family food boxes, hygiene kits, and clean-up kits are stored at MFB Morton. In 2020, MFB had its largest year to date of Disaster Relief by providing emergency food to those economically affected by the pandemic. Among others, MFB responded to the devastating Texas ice storm and Hurricanes Henri and Ida.

An unexpected opportunity to provide Disaster Relief from the new hub came in early December 2021. Historic tornadoes ripped through Kentucky, causing widespread damage. The community rallied, and within hours 2,500 hygiene kits were made, and family food boxes were being assembled. Thanks to the efforts of volunteers and the generosity of donors, MFB was able to send five semi-loads of relief to Kentucky. 

Midwest Food Bank continues its focus on sustainable growth. Having these operations centered at MFB Morton is a part of achieving that goal.