By Phil Hodel on Monday, 18 March 2024
Category: Midwest Food Bank

MFB receives feedback from Core Volunteers

Central to Midwest Food Bank's success are its core volunteers, who are dedicated to our mission. By filling roles that would typically be paid staff, they allow more resources to go toward feeding the hungry. Each January, MFB conducts a Listening Survey to tap into the thoughts and ideas of these essential individuals.

This year, nearly 200 volunteers shared their thoughts. They told us to continue maintaining the Midwest Food Bank's faith-based approach and the priority of prayer. They praised MFB's inclusive environment, celebrating their fellow volunteers' diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities, highlighting our commitment to fostering a welcoming community for all.

Innovative ideas for volunteer recruitment were also shared, which will lead to the development of new outreach materials, such as promotional videos and informational flyers. Additionally, they highlighted the untapped potential of social media as a tool to enhance MFB's visibility and community engagement. Safety concerns were not overlooked, with valuable input going to the organization's safety champion for review, ensuring the well-being of all.

Perhaps most inspiring was the revelation that over 90% of survey participants would highly recommend MFB as a volunteer opportunity to their friends and family. This speaks volumes about the positive experiences and satisfaction among MFB volunteers, distinguishing the organization as a leader in volunteer engagement.

Armed with the feedback from the survey, Midwest Food Bank wants to further enhance the volunteer experience. We not only aim to retain our current volunteers, but also attract new ones.

To all the core volunteers, this story is a tribute to your selflessness, creativity, and spirit of community service. Together, you're not just feeding bodies; you are nourishing souls and transforming lives. Thank you for being the heroes of this story, today and every day.

Take a step in your own volunteer journey by seeing the opportunities at Midwest Food Bank. Click here.