By Phil Hodel on Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Category: Midwest Food Bank

Volunteering a family affair at MFB Peoria

Are you looking for a family-bonding activity? Consider volunteering together at MFB.

Charlie Thomas is a regular at MFB Peoria. He is most likely to be found at our distribution events loading a cart. Recently, Charlie took the opportunity to share his volunteerism with his son, Steve.

Steve joined Charlie for a distribution day. Their time together offered Charlie a chance to show Steve what 'Dad' had been up to at MFB.

"It was a great experience," says Steve. "I enjoyed spending time with Dad knowing we were helping others."

Volunteer Frank Huck recently had a visit from his out-of-state missionary son, Jake. They took advantage of the visit to volunteer at MFB Peoria together. His grandchildren Eva, Luke, Titus, and Joe, also came for the experience.

Frank, a long-time grocery run volunteer, showed his family how to sort the groceries that were collected. He knew that with their serving hearts, they would be interested in helping others. Frank was happy to show his family what he does at MFB Peoria.

Consider bringing family members to volunteer at MFB. It can be very meaningful to have an impact on your community while serving side-by-side. For more information, click here.