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Local ministry filling a need at MFB Bloomington-Normal

MFB nonprofit partner agencies have been seeing record needs. To help them, MFB Bloomington-Normal recently added a day (Wednesday) to our supplemental distribution week. But it was hard to find enough volunteers. We reached out to Salem4Youth to see if they could help fill the need. Salem4Youth is a nearby ministry for young men focusing...

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  1512 Hits

MFB Normal, IL, has volunteer openings

Volunteer opportunities abound!Are looking for a way to use your gifts? We are seeking a number of volunteers for roles needing some specific skills. Design and Communication AssistantAttributes: Creative, sensibility for color and design.Time Commitment: At least twice per month, no maximum. A Design and Communication Assistant works within the MF...

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  2429 Hits

Three new advisory board members at MFB Normal, IL

Midwest Food Bank Normal, IL, is pleased to introduce you to three new members of the advisory board. They serve in a volunteer capacity, and we're thankful for their support of our mission. Denise Brim - Denise is married to Trace Brim, and they have four teenage daughters. She works from home as an online reseller. Each year, Denise is actively i...

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  2729 Hits

New MFB Marketing Director experiences God's timing

How Melanie Tennell became the new Marketing Director at MFB is a "God story." She felt a little unsettled in her previous position at Pekin Insurance when her former boss Jackie reached out to her. Jackie connected Melanie with her acquaintance, Jada Hoerr, MFB Chief Resource Officer. "God's timing prevails," says Melanie. "Every. Single. Tim...

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  2045 Hits

Caleb receives food from Midwest Food Bank

This story is written by Danielle Witzig, a Nutrition and Dietetics student intern volunteering at MFB.Caleb Sawe is currently studying at Illinois State University and receives from an MFB Bloomington-Normal agency, School Street Food Pantry. Caleb is an international graduate student from Nigeria, West Africa. With only $900 in hand upo...

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  1811 Hits

MFB welcomes two new national board members

Have you ever wondered what a nonprofit board does? Like all nonprofits, Midwest Food Bank is governed by a board of Directors. These twelve volunteers provide strategic and financial oversight for the organization. Additionally, each of the twelve MFB locations has an advisory board. While the employees lead the daily operations, the board pl...

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  2972 Hits

MFB Bloomington 2022 Volunteers of the Year

Each year hundreds of volunteers walk through the doors of Midwest Food Bank Bloomington-Normal and give thousands of hours of their time. While it's traditional for organizations like ours to name a "Volunteer of the Year," we aren't able to select just one volunteer in our amazing group of 9,000. Recently, MFB recognized the efforts of four volun...

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  2849 Hits

MFB Directors meet

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  I Thessalonians 5:11 On November 30 and December 1, Midwest Food Bank Directors for all US location met in Morton, IL, for two days of encouragement, fellowship, and support. This included directors from Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Il...

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  2220 Hits

Six way businesses partner with nonprofits like MFB

Big or small - businesses have found a way to support Midwest Food Bank. From a coffee shop to a grocery store chain to a heavy equipment manufacturer, they've all found ways to contribute to our mission. Their support comes in a variety of ways as they create a culture of giving. Here are a few ways they impact nonprofits. 1. Grants - Some busines...

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  2938 Hits

New Operations Manager for MFB Bloomington-Normal

Know-how and people skills make Richard Beasley an excellent fit for Midwest Food Bank, Bloomington Normal. He joined the staff as Operations Manager this summer after work experiences in operations, business management, and, most recently, as the Pastor of high school small groups at Eastview Christian Church. His natural ability to connect a...

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  1674 Hits

New HR Director for Midwest Food Bank

From manufacturing to healthcare to Midwest Food Bank, Temple Roe has a professional path that will be an asset to MFB. She joined the MFB staff as Human Resources Director this fall. "I'm thrilled to have found my way into a non-profit that provides to so many families and communities in need," says Temple. As the HR Director for Midwest Food...

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  2348 Hits

Nussbaum Trucking Academy's unique partnership with MFB

Nussbaum Trucking saw a need and provided a solution. The need - the CDL driving course at Heartland College had grown beyond the college's ability to manage. The solution - the Nussbaum Trucking Academy at Heartland Community College in Normal. The Academy started in the fall of 2021, and so far, 58 students have completed training and education t...

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  2291 Hits

Meet a Midwest Food Bank food recipient

Many wonderful people make things happen at Midwest Food Bank. Passionate volunteers, generous financial and food donors, and dedicated staff all play a part in bringing the MFB mission to life. Then there are the other wonderful people, those who receive the food.  Meet Priscilla. She is a student who receives supplemental...

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  1841 Hits

MFB Values: Embracing Our Communities

Midwest Food Bank has five values that are based on the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23. Our facilities are intentionally designed so we can embrace our community, with kitchens, Conference Rooms, and project space in our warehouses. Here is a look at what "Embracing Our Communities" means to MFB. MFB's mission&nb...

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  2185 Hits

Family food boxes: One way MFB provides Disaster Relief

Before a disaster hits, Midwest Food Bank is ready. Being ready means providing what is needed for that particular disaster because flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes differ. But the common denominator is the people in the middle of those disasters. Mike Hoffman, director of inventory and logistics for MFB, says helping people through t...

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  3078 Hits

Thanks for Disaster Relief

Two category 4 hurricanes hitting the United States within two weeks created an opportunity for Midwest Food Bank to share God's love. Our partnership with The Salvation Army allows us to offer help early and often. Loads of family food boxes, hygiene kits and cleaning supplies were sent to victims of both Harvey (Texas) and Irma (Florida). In all ...

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  2966 Hits

Supporting safety in MFB trucks

Midwest Food Bank began an organization-wide focus on safety in 2021. Rather than being a one-time effort, this initiative is ongoing with specific goals. It was an opportunity to evaluate and strengthen safety measures already in place. Mike Hoffman, MBF's Inventory and Logistics Director, leads the safety initiative. "Providing a safe work e...

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  2174 Hits

Volunteering at MFB is something you must experience firsthand

Midwest Food Bank Values include Embrace Our Communities and Empowering Volunteers. One of the ways we do this is by providing clean, efficient, safe, and comfortable gathering places. At MFB, we work hard to maintain clean, inviting warehouses. To keep them well maintained and organized, we have standards, prioritize investment, and have safety co...

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  2478 Hits

MFB participates in "Day of Action" in Washington DC

While food insecurity is rapidly rising, the world is expected to waste 2.1 million tons of food annually by 2030, according to Yale research. In the United States alone, $408 billion was spent on food in 2021 that was never eaten. That's nearly a quarter of US food going to waste instead of to those who need it. On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, Mid...

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  2846 Hits

Summer brings FUNdraisers for MFB Normal

Each year, generous givers support MFB Normal through various fundraising events. Warmer summer weather brings the opportunity to hold these events outdoors while pursuing fun activities. Here are some recent FUNdraising events. Golf Outing. Held at the Den at Fox Creek in Bloomington on June 17, the golf outing raised nearly $2...

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  1562 Hits
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