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MFB values relationship with iDonate

Building relationships and partnerships extend to all aspects of Midwest Food Bank, including the behind-the-scenes vendors. One of our partnerships is the online giving platform iDonate. "It's evident that iDonate is consistent with the MFB culture," says Jada Hoerr, MFB Chief Resource Officer. "We are a growing organization, and as iDonate c...

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  2135 Hits

Eric Hodel named CEO of Midwest Food Bank

With roles at both MFB and his family farm, Eric Hodel works in two industries associated with feeding people. This helps make Eric uniquely qualified to serve as Midwest Food Bank's CEO beginning January 1, 2022. David Kieser, MFB's current CEO, will remain the President of the MFB Board of Directors. Eric joined Midwest Food Bank in April 2017, a...

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  10218 Hits

MFB employees participate in Leadership Development Program

As a faith-based organization, it is the mission of the Midwest Food Bank to share the love of Christ by alleviating hunger ad malnutrition locally and throughout the world and providing disaster relief; all without discrimination. MFB is about people.   Food Recipients - We work to put food into the hands of the food insecure.&...

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  2999 Hits

2020 food insecurity numbers

Most US households are "food secure," meaning they have consistent access to enough food for healthy, active living. However, some households lack access to adequate food due to a lack of money or other resources. These homes are called "food insecure." Midwest Food Bank turns to the US Department of Agriculture's annual report on household fo...

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  3390 Hits

Putting a face on food insecurity

As Midwest Food Bank grows in size, we also want to grow in understanding. Understanding the stories of our food recipients helps us fulfill our mission. With every food recipient we meet, we grow in compassion and humility.  We appreciate their willingness to partner with us and are honored to learn their stories and share them with you. We w...

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  3551 Hits

MFB Bloomington-Normal welcomes a new employee

Rolland "Rollie" Reed isn't new to Midwest Food Bank, but he is taking on a new role. He will serve as the Warehouse Manager for the Bloomington-Normal location, beginning December 6. In 2010 Rollie came to MFB after 20 years working in warehousing and logistics. He was looking for a change when a job opened at MFB Peoria. He was the Warehouse Mana...

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  1986 Hits

New Volunteer Coordinator at MFB Bloomington-Normal

Donna Haas knows God answers prayer. She also knows the answer can be through a text message. After a sleepless night, Donna was praying and reading scripture seeking God's purpose in her life. "I asked Him to please open the door if there was a better way to serve Him," says Donna. "Within eight hours, I got a text from my sister - ...

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  2417 Hits

Midwest Food Bank hires a new IT Director

Midwest Food Bank is pleased to announce the hire of Nate Westerfield as our new IT Director. He began at MFB on September 7 and will work part-time through October. Beginning November 1, he will transition to full-time and be located in Morton, IL division. Nate brings more than 20 years of IT experience to MFB. Most recently, Nate has served as t...

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  3450 Hits

MFB celebrates the contributions of volunteer truckers

At Midwest Food Bank, we are surrounded by unsung heroes every day. Our business model relies heavily on a strong volunteer base. Volunteers fill many roles, such as bookkeeper, receptionist, file clerk, building maintenance, forklift operator, cook, volunteer leader, food distributor. These vital jobs are done with love, warmth, and joy as people ...

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  4135 Hits

Thanks to all who made Taste and Tour 2021 a success

The three Central Illinois locations of Midwest Food Bank enjoyed the opportunity to share our mission with the community while raising funds. Taste and Tour is just what it sounds like: a great Taste-ing meal after a Tour of MFB. Taste and Tour 2021 was held on August 21 at the Bloomington-Normal, Morton, and Peoria MFB locations. Between 4 and 7 ...

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  2301 Hits

Kellogg a valuable partner of Midwest Food Bank

Cereal and related products (granola and breakfast bars) are great things for Midwest Food Bank to give to our partner nonprofits. They are shelf-stable, appeal to all ages, and support three of our main programs: Food for Nonprofits, Disaster Relief, and Hope Packs. In the past, we would purchase these products. That's one reason we are so thankfu...

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  7799 Hits

Midwest Food Bank providing Disaster Relief for 16 years

Midwest Food Bank has been actively responding to disasters in 2021. Hurricanes Henri and Ida are the latest opportunities MFB has had to support disaster victims in the US. Hurricane Ida formed on August 23, a notable date in hurricane history. Midwest Food Bank began offering Disaster Relief with Hurricane Katrina, which formed on the same date i...

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  3307 Hits

MFB nonprofit partners helping college students

Starving college student. We've probably all used that phrase. It conjures up stereotypical images of a young man or woman making ramen noodles over a hotplate. The thought makes us smile. For some, the phrase is not a stereotype. Nor is it something to smile about. Based on school and location, food insecurity rates on college and university ...

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  3231 Hits

MFB 2021: A Mid-Year Review

Reflecting on the first half of 2021, Midwest Food Bank is thankful for the Lord's blessings as we continue to grow and serve from our 12 locations across the US, Kenya, and Haiti. Our generous donors and dedicated volunteer family encourage and support us in the fight against food insecurity. Some of the progress made this year includes the follow...

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  2891 Hits

MFB Normal, Illinois, shares the love of Christ in multiple ways

As a faith-based organization, it is the mission of Midwest Food Bank to share the love of Christ by alleviating hunger and malnutrition locally and throughout the world and providing disaster relief; all without discrimination.  -Mission statement of Midwest Food Bank Our mission of sharing the love of Christ is accomplished primarily th...

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  2434 Hits

Bradley loves MFB Hope Packs

Bradley Schwab is a 6th grader at Sterling Middle School. He was born with dwarfism, a unique medical condition that results in short stature. Despite his size, Bradley is a towering presence in the hearts of many people. He is the life of his classroom and a joy to his teachers. Like many other students at Sterling Middle Schoo...

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  3896 Hits

Safe environments for MFB volunteers and partners

Sharing the love of Christ by alleviating hunger is core to the mission of Midwest Food Bank. "Serving Those in Need" is the first of our values. Care for our food recipients is at the core of everything we do. This same loving care extends to our volunteers, our nonprofit partners, and our staff. Providing a safe environment is one of the ways Mid...

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  3184 Hits

5 ways to celebrate your birthday with MFB

Young and old, child and adult, we all love celebrating a birthday! At Midwest Food Bank, we enjoy celebrating with you. Here are 5 ways we equip you to celebrate your own birthday or someone else's: 1. Tribute Gift: When you donate online, you can make your gift a tribute to celebrate a birthday. Midwest Food Bank will send a card to the person yo...

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  4678 Hits

Share Partner appreciates the passion of MFB volunteers and employees

The passion of the Midwest Food Bank employees and volunteers is contagious. Just ask Jan Murphy, a Midwest Food Bank Share Partner (a donor offering a regularly scheduled contribution). She is the former Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. In 2018, ISU President, Larry Dietz, encour...

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  2846 Hits

MFB earns Charity Navigator 4-Star ranking for ninth consecutive year

Midwest Food Bank has again received a coveted four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation's top charity evaluator. MFB has received this recognition every year since 2011. Only 4% of charities are given a four-star rating for nine consecutive years. The rating is based on MFB's demonstration of robust financial health a...

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  2965 Hits
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